
The eFitness blog is a place for free, thought-provoking, valuable content related to health club activities. We will cover everything from member retention and fitness programming to digital marketing and sales. We share winning strategies and best practices for health club operators. Go beyond just reading this blog, start implementing the recommended actions and you can expect to see improvements across all areas.

Manager's roles and tasks - planning and reporting based on data

Asia Balicka, 26 Úno 2021 / 2 Reading time - min reading

One of the main tasks of a fitness club manager is to keep the finger on the pulse and make the right decisions based on data analysis. However, what data should you take into account?

What reports to check?

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How to choose a fitness club management system? The most important criteria

Konstancja, 7 Pro 2020 / 4 Reading time - min reading

Whether you are just starting your business in the fitness industry or have been familiar with club management for a long time – many questions may appear in your head. We present a few of the most important elements to pay attention to when choosing a system for managing a gym or health club.

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Welcome to the Knowledge Base! How can we help you?

Asia Balicka, 27 Srp 2020 / < 1 Reading time - min reading

After the successful launch of the Polish version, which was very warmly received by our customers, we present the English version of Knowledge Base!

More and more eFitness system users use the instructions and video tutorials available in the Knowledge Base.

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How to re-engage your members efficiently? Communication is the key! (2/2)

Asia Balicka, 14 Čvc 2020 / < 1 Reading time - min reading

Having the right re-engagement strategy is essential after lockdown. However, you have to communicate it effectively to your members using as many channels as possible to reach their attention. The range of possibilities is big: emails, SMS, push-notifications,

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News and Updates: The Last Six Months of Development in the eFitness System

7 Čvn 2024

Discover the benefits of logging into the eFitness app via a Mobile App Profile (MAP)

Asia Balicka,
21 Dub 2023

LIVE CHAT in the eFitness system

Asia Balicka,
8 Čvn 2022